MATLAB: How to shift the alignment of one image over the other

alignmentImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB

I have two images (both are of crosses as in x. They were of different sizes and different colours, I converted both of them into binary images and brought the actual crosses (That is,the area of the cross, not the entire image wit whitespace and all) to the same scale. When I use imshowpair to subtract the two images, however, I get a very large answer because the two crosses are not aligned properly over each other. Reference :
So, I have two options. Either I just find their centres and align them, or I run an algorithm to find the difference between the two pictures and shift the alignment to the least difference, after shifting it.
But I don't know how to shift the second picture over the first. Any function, or any way that I can move it coordinate by coordinate?

Best Answer

First figure out the overlap region, then place it on a new canvass:
% Create blank new canvass the same size as the reference image.
newCanvass = zeros(size(referenceImage), 'uint8');
% Place overlap image down at row, column
newCanvass(row:end, column:end) = overlapImage;