MATLAB: How to shift axis and extend the Fitting curve to infinity.

extend axisshift axis

Hello Friends,
1. I have a following Hysterisis curve plot:
I would like to shift the X-axis to Y=0. How can it be done? I tried subtracting by looking at the average height but that isn't precise. Is there any alternative to perform so?
2. In this particular graph, I got the Exponential curve Fitting as Quadratic.
I would like to extend this exponential curve upto a point where it may start looking like infinity. How do I extend it upto such a point.
Thank you. Kindly help me.

Best Answer

The lines only go as far as your data. You don't have an infinite number of elements in your arrays do you? If you want your lines to extend further, you need to make your x-values extend further before you compute the response (the y value).
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