MATLAB: How to share data between callback functions in a GUI

gui using guide

hi every one, i am new to GUI. i am reading a .mat file using a push button. i want to save the data in the file to a variable lets say 'y'. the variable 'y' contains a column vector that is from the .mat file . i want to use the variable 'y' in other callback function in the same GUI. i tried in doing that but i am not able to do that.
please help me. many thanks in advance

Best Answer

When you wish to have variables that have an scope (that means that are "visible") in all functions of the GUI, you should store them in handles. handles is an structure, so you should need something like this:
% Callback 1
% Retrieve GUI data (the handles structure)

handles = guidata(hObject)
% ...

handles.y = 1:10; % Load the data from the .mat file here
% ...
% Update handles structure

guidata(hObject, handles);
% Callback 2
% Retrieve GUI data (the handles structure)
handles = guidata(hObject);
% ...
handles.x = handles.y .* 3; % Do whatever you want with the "y" data here
% ...
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
The handles = guidata(hObject); and guidata(hObject, handles); lines are important because you need them to keep the GUI "updated".
Hope it helps ;-) .