MATLAB: How to setup upper and lower boundaries depending on guess in lsqnonlin function


how can I setup the upper and lower boundaries depending on the guessed values for each iteration?
I want to realize thing like: c > 0
lb = [0, 0, a];
ub = [10, 10, 10];
x0 = [a, b, c];
x = lsqnonlin(fun,x0,lb,ub)
Thank you!

Best Answer

I think you misunderstand how these tools work, and the meaning of a boundary.
The bounds (lb and ub) are fixed, whatever you set them at the start. They cannot change for each iteration, based on your whim, or on the weather outside.
Next, you cannot have a constraint like c>0. You can only have a constraint of the form c>=0, and even that may be violated by a tiny amount (TolCon).
Perhaps you meant something else. If so, then you need to explain your question far more clearly.