MATLAB: How to set ylim in axes in GUI

guiguidematlab gui

My program works around the user input provided from user. It generates graph accordingly.But somehow I had set or default value for axes in Matlab GUI is [999 999] in my case, but my y-axis can be more than that. When i enter the value more than 999 in the text box, GUI didn't execute the function written for pushbutton. This works fine below 1000. I am wondering how can i change the Ylim to auto ?
When you enter 1000 in the 2nd input(Please refer figure), it gives following error:
Error using
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf
Error in axis>LocSetLimits (line 276)
Error in axis (line 105)
Error in plotray (line 134)
axis( [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] )
Error in UnderwaterRayToolbox>pushbutton1_Callback (line 194)
plotray( 'munkp' ), box on, hold on
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in UnderwaterRayToolbox (line 49)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)UnderwaterRayToolbox('pushbutton1_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
276 set(ax,...
Can someone suggest how to change the Axes Ylimit to Auto or set to user input ??

Best Answer

The problem has been solved. main *.m file has to have the ylim function before plotting which controls the plotting. and then either you can copy the axes from figure or call the figure in GUI, both worked.
Thanks everyone, specially Adam and Rik.