MATLAB: How to set value out of struct in plot with latex

get value form structlatexplot

I'm trying to get values of accuarcy out of a struct into plots, example Code below:
a=strcat('$$Simulation\ nRMSE=\',string(data.err.masse_total_Masse_Mess.nrmse*100),'\ %,\ R=\',string(data.err.masse_total_Masse_Mess.R),'$$');
hl=legend(a,b,'Location','southeast', 'FontSize', 25)
set(hl, 'Interpreter', 'latex');
does sombody know what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

found my fail
a=strcat('$$Simulation\ nRMSE=',string(data.err.masse_total_Masse_Mess.nrmse*100),'\ {\%},\ R=',string(data.err.masse_total_Masse_Mess.R),'$$');