MATLAB: How to set up multiple Measurement Computing PCI-QUAD04 cards to work in one Simulink model

boardboardscardcardscomputinginputmeasurementmultipleoutputpci-quad04real timetargetwindows

I have two Measurement Computing PCI-QUAD04 encoder cards installed in my system. The cards have been installed correctly in different PCI slots and their setup has been tested using Instacal. I would like to use them simultaneously in a model using Real-Time Windows Target.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2006b (R2006b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The usage of multiple cards of the same type is supported with the Real-Time Windows Target. Here are the steps:
Note: The Autodetect feature cannot be used to select multiple boards of the same type. You must specify their PCI slot numbers manually.
1. Drag and drop a suitable Input or Output block from Real-Time Windows Target library in the Simulink Library Browser into your model. Double click on the block to open the block's parameter dialog box and press the "Install New Board" button. Select your board type, then enter the PCI slot number for the first board.
2. Press the "Install New Board" button again, select your board type again, then enter the PCI slot number for the second board. This step can be repeated as necessary if you have three or more boards of the same type.
3. At this point, if you open the drop-down list of installed boards, you should have multiple entries for the given type of board but with different PCI slot numbers. Select the appropriate one for this block.
4. In other I/O blocks in your model, select their respective boards using the drop-down list. Do not press the "Board setup" button unless you want to change some parameter for that particular board. If you do change a parameter using the Board setup button, this change will be effective for all the I/O blocks in the model that use this board.
The above sequence of steps is not strictly fixed. In general, you can use the "Install New Board" button anytime you want to install a new board. But the key issue is that, to be able to use two boards of the same type you must have two entries of the same board with different parameters in the drop-down list of installed boards. The board parameters are set per model and not per block.