MATLAB: How to set up a uicontrol callback to interrupt a routine


I would like to know how to set up a UIControl callback to interrupt a routine.

Best Answer

In order to address this issue it is important to understand how MATLAB handles events. MATLAB does not automatically detect events as they occur. When events occur, they are placed into the 'event queue'. MATLAB stops the execution of a routine to look at the event queue only when one of a few commands are executed:
figure (including gcf and gca)
'drawnow' is usually the command used to access the queue, since 'figure' has (probably undesirable) side effects (i.e. creating a figure), and 'getframe' takes longer to execute.
If the current process (when the event queue is examined) was issued from the command line, the process is suspended and the event queue is evaluated (i.e. callbacks occur). If the current process is itself a callback, the 'interruptible' property of the callback is consulted in order to decide whether or not it will be suspended in favor of event queue processing.
Here is a short example to illustrate these principles:
%%Example program -- can be run as a MATLAB script
h = uicontrol(gcf, 'style', 'pushbutton', ...
'callback', 'setappdata(gcf, ''run'', 0)');
flag = 1;
setappdata(gcf, 'run', flag);
disp('Entering loop');
n = 0;
while flag
n = n+1;
flag = getappdata(gcf, 'run');
disp('Done with loop');