MATLAB: How to set tunable struct parameters when simulating from the command line in Rapid Accelerator mode


I would like to use a struct as a tunable parameter when running in Rapid Accelerator mode from the command line, in order to run simulations in batch. Is this possible?

Best Answer

Yes. We will assume 'model' is the name of our model that we wish to run, and that this model has an already-defined struct "x" that contains tunable parameters set by fields "a" and "b", e.g.:
x.a = 2
x.b = 3
In this case, we  can change the parameters and simulate in Rapid Accelerator mode as follows.
Get the current model and parameter structure:
rtp = Simulink.BlockDiagram.buildRapidAcceleratorTarget(model)
Set new values for the parameters:
x.a = 4
x.b = 7
Modify the parameters in our model object:
parameterSet = Simulink.BlockDiagram.modifyTunableParameters(rtp,'x',x)
​Simulate again:
simout = sim(model,'SimulationMode','rapid', 'RapidAcceleratorUpToDateCheck','off', 'RapidAcceleratorParameterSets',parameterSet)
This is similar to the workflow described in the following documentation, although it does not require parallel computing:
Note that the generated executable resides in the slprj > raccel > model folder, rather than the top-level directory as it does with "RSim."
Read more about this here: