MATLAB: How to set the volume of beep sound and save it as wav


I want to make a beep sound which volume is adjustable and save it as a wavefile.
If I use this code below, I can adjust volume but I don't know how to save as wav.
Beeper(400, [0.3], [0.5]);
(↑function Beeper(frequency, [fVolume], [durationSec]);
Then if I use this code below, I don't know how to set the volume and save.
% generate a beep
beepWaveform = MakeBeep(1000,.300,44100);
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

You forgot to mention that you are using Psychtoolbox 3.
audiowrite('NameOfWavFile.wav', beepWaveform, 44100);
However, it is not possible to save a volume inside of a sound file. The sound playing routines have no interface to system volume settings, and have no interface to volume adjustment of any pre-amp and/or amplifier that the speakers are connected to.