MATLAB: How to set the step size in the y axis in matlab

axis step size

I'm trying to plot a 2D line and I want the step size of the y axis to be the following (10^2 10^3 10^4 10^5 ….. 10^8). Using: "ybounds = ylim; set(gca,'YTick',ybounds(1):stepSize:ybounds(2))" will not work because the step size is always the same. When I try to go from 10^2 to 10^3 and then to 10^4 (and so on) the step size is always changing (10^2 + 900 = 10^3; 10^3+9000 = 10^4; 10^4 + 90000 = 10^5). I don't know if I explained it right, but any help is appreciated.
Thanks you

Best Answer

Using the semilogy plot seems to be appropriate.