MATLAB: How to set the maximum borrow period for the concurrent license


I have a borrow-enabled concurrent license and would like to set the maximum borrow period to less than the default of 30 days.

Best Answer

Setting the maximum borrow period requires the use of an options file. For more information on the use of the options file, see the related article:
Is there a way to administer FLEXnet based licenses? How do I create an Options file?
To set the maximum borrow period to less than 30 days, you can use the MAX_BORROW_HOURS key word in your options file.
The format for this entry in the options file is:
MAX_BORROW_HOURS feature[:keyword=value] num_hours
feature - is the toolbox this borrow period applies to
keyword=value - denotes the license feature this borrow period applies to. This is used when multiple licenses are in use
num_hours - is the number of hours in the new borrow period
For example, if you wanted set the maximum borrow period of Simulink to seven days, you would make the following entry in your options file: