MATLAB: How to set the list box to have no default selection in MATLAB


I would like to set my list box such that none of its items are highlighted upon creation.
I tried using the following code to set the "Value" property of the list box to an empty matrix. However, instead of seeing the desired result, the list box disappears.
item_list = {'L1';'L2';'L3';'L4';'L5'};
h = uicontrol('style','list','Position',[40 40 80 70],...
'string',item_list, 'Value', []);

Best Answer

You can set your list box to have no selection by setting the 'Value' property to an empty matrix and setting the 'Max' and 'Min' properties to satisfy the following condition:
Max - Min > 1
The above condition enables multiple selection.
For example:
item_list = {'L1';'L2';'L3';'L4';'L5'};
h = uicontrol('style','list','max',2,...
'min',0,'Position',[40 40 80 70],...
'string',item_list, 'Value', []);