MATLAB: How to set the landmarks for different facial components like (eyebrow, eye, nose & lips) on a front posed face image (neutral emotion) and how to track the points of those fixed landmarks on the front posed face image of (different emotions)

Computer Vision Toolboxemotion recognition

How to set the landmarks (Red coloured points) as given in the image for different facial components like (eyebrow, eye, nose & lips) on a front posed face image (neutral emotion) and how to track the points of those fixed landmarks on the front posed face image of (different emotions) ?

Best Answer

We can't really help with long complicated algorithm development questions like that. What you've asked for is no 5-minute answer -- people have been working on that for years. You can find their algorithms by looking up the papers they've published on them, which are cited here:
21.3.6 Facial Expressions and Emotion Analysis and Description Face Expression Recognition and Analysis, Facial Expression Analysis, Facial Expressions Face Expression Recognition for Human Comupter Interaction Applied Face Expression Recognition, Specific Expressions Three-Dimensional Face Expression Recognition and Analysis Face Action Units for Expressions and Motion Analysis, FAU, FACS Facial Feature Tracking for Expressions Face Expression Recognition from a Single Image Emotion Recognition from Face Images Emotion Recognition, from Other Than Faces
Pick a paper then code it up.