MATLAB: How to set the initial conditions on the Asynchronous Machine Block in SimPowerSystems

icicspowersimSimscape Electricalsynchronoussystems

I have a SimPowerSystems model that contains an Asynchronous Machine Block. I would like to specify the initial stator and rotor flux levels in terms of dq and theta. The initial condition vector is described in the documentation as having the components [slip, th, ias, ibs, ics, phaseas, phasebs, phasecs]. I am uncertain how to specify the three separate phase angles to obtain the desired result in terms of stator and rotor flux.

Best Answer

The ability to specify the initial condition of the Asynchronous Machine Block in terms of stator and rotor flux is not available in SimPowerSystems.
As a workaround, you can use the Powergui block to automatically solve for the initial conditions. Further information on the Powergui block can be found by typing the following command at the MATLAB prompt:
doc powergui