MATLAB: How to set the default value for Edit Text in GUI ? If not input a number , I hope the contents auto changed to be ‘5’

default value of gui edit text

In the function edit1_callback(),it is writed as :
edit1 = str2double(get(hObject,'string'));
if isempty(edit1)
edit1 = 5; % when not input a number ,the contents is 5;
handles.edit1 = edit1;
As a matter of fact,when I do not input a number,the edit text contents is not 5,Why?
And ,how can I set the default value of edit text??
Thank you for your attention!

Best Answer

STR2DOUBLE returns NaN for non-numeric data. Instead of checking for empty input using ISEMPTY, use ISNAN instead.
if isnan(edit1)