MATLAB: How to set target for neural network

bcineural networksp300based bcisignal processing

I had extracted feature vector of a signal and saved it in a excel document. feature vector is 128*1922 dimension. I don't know how to create target for this input so i can train the neural network. I need to do signal classification. 35 classes. So, how do i create target vector and train the network?

Best Answer

[ I N ] = size(input) % [ 128 1922 ]
[ O N ] = size(target) %[ 35 1922 ]
Where target columns are columns of the unit matrix eye(35). The relationship between trueclassindices in {1:35} and the corresponding target is
target = full(ind2vec(trueclassindices))
trueclassindices = vec2ind(target)
Estimated output indices are obtained from
output = net (input);
estimatedindices = vec2ind(output);
errors = estimatedindices ~= trueclassindices;
Nerrs = sum(errors)
Pcterr = 100*Nerrs/N
I have posted MANY detailed examples in BOTH the NEWSGRIOUP and ANSWERS.
Hope this helps.
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