MATLAB: How to set scientific notation in data tips

axisdatadata tipsfigurelegendMATLABplotplotting

Hello ,
I would like to see scientific notation in the data tip on my plot , I attached an image of my plot , instead of that long number in the data tip I would like to have something like 77.5e13 is this possible ?
And also I want to change the scentific notation in the x axis, as you can see it displays 10^14 but I want it to be 10^13 .
Thank you.

Best Answer

x = 1:10
y = rand(1,10).*1000
h = plot(x,y)
for ii = 1 : length(x)
datatip(h, 'DataIndex', ii)
You can set format of each row in DataTip, by DataTipRows.Format.
dtTemplate = get(h, 'DataTipTemplate')
dtTemplate.DataTipRows(1).Format = '%e'; % adjust
dtTemplate.DataTipRows(2).Format = '%e';