MATLAB: How to set sampling frequency as cycle per year?

sampling frequency

How to set sampling frequency as cycle per year??

Best Answer

It depends on the time between your data samples. What is the sampling interval? Were your data acquired at a rate of 1 sample per year, then you just set Fs = 1. If the time interval between samples is 6 months, then you set the sampling rate to 2 (for 2 samples per year).
For example, the time between the sunspot number data is 1 year, so it's one sample per year
load sunspot.dat
[pxx,f] = periodogram(relNums,[],[],1);
xlabel('Cycles/Year'); ylabel('dB');
title('Periodogram of Relative Sunspot Number Data');
So I just set the sampling frequency to be 1 and the output of periodogram is in cycles/year.
If the sampling interval is one month, one month between samples, then the sampling frequency would be 12 to yield cycles/year
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