MATLAB: How to set portable word sizes for the MATLAB Coder

Embedded Coderenable portable word sizesmatlab codersil

I'm using the MATLAB Coder (not the Simulink Coder) to automatically generate 'C' code from MATLAB algorithims. I'm using the GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors compiler, otherwise the ARM Cortex-M code replacement library doesn't work. When I run a SIL simulation, I get the error: "The toolchain for '<my entry function>' is 'GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors' and the model option Enable portable word sizes was not selected. This configuration is not supported for SIL simulation"
I've looked how to enable portable word sizes, but all the information is for the Simulink Coder, the MATLAB Coder doesn't have an option to enable portable word sizes. Is there a hidden menu somewhere? Incidentally, although MATLAB Coder is using Embedded Coder settings, the MATLAB Coder still provides many fewer options for settings than the Simulink version.
Many thanks, Dan

Best Answer

MATLAB Coder does not have support for portable word sizes. Unfortunately this message is misleading in that regard and has been reported to our development teams.
To verify your code I would recommend either switching to a host computer toolchain and running the code on the host using SIL or using processor-in-the-loop (PIL) to run directly on your target hardware if you are using MATLAB R2014b or later.
You can refer to this page and this page to see how to use PIL with MATLAB Coder.