MATLAB: How to set elements of a matrix to 0 from one index to the remaining of the row

fast allocationlinear indexesmatrix manipulationset 0 to matricessparse matrices

Hi, I'm working on a large sparse matrix. I'm wondering if there is a fast way to set elements of a matrix to 0 from one given index (dependent on the row) to the remaining of the row ?
For each row, I have a linear index and I would like to set all the elements from this index to the end of the row to 0. Obviously you can achieve that with a for loop (see the code) but for efficiency reasons, I was wondering if there were a faster solution for that! Any idea?
X % sparse matrix of size m x n
Indexes % Linear Indexes of size m x 1
[~,Column_Index]=ind2sub(size_X,Indexes); % get the column number of each Indexes
for i=1:length(Indexes)
For example, if
X =[
1 3 -1 1
22 2 2 2
3 3 3 3]
Indexes =[
X should become:
1 3 0 0
0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0

Best Answer

X=sparse(I(keep), J(keep), S(keep) ,m,n);