MATLAB: How to set digits of loaded data (again, with specific datas)

decimaldigitformatloadMATLABprecisiontext file

Sorry guys, I asked about same question but some people get confused what I said… For example, I have exact datas like below
6.0000000e+01 -1.2392410e+00
6.0000050e+01 -1.2998170e+00
6.0000100e+01 -7.7944600e-01
6.0000150e+01 -1.2922500e-01
6.0000200e+01 2.4067200e-01
6.0000250e+01 3.1703600e-01
6.0000300e+01 1.1621930e+00
6.0000350e+01 1.3961170e+00
6.0000400e+01 1.0432970e+00
6.0000450e+01 2.6419400e-01
(It is a text file type)
Anyway, If I load this data using command 'load' in matlab, like A=load('A.txt'), them I doubleclick the A in the workspace, it shows only like below…
60 -1.2392
60.0001 -1.2998
60.0001 -0.7794
60.0002 -0.1292
60.0002 0.2407
SO I NEED FULL PRECISION DIGITS in here, because in case that I plot this data, graph does not show specific lines at all… anyway all I want to know is how to get full precision in here…not just display in command window. (And I understood format long command things not working at all…)

Best Answer

Do NOT confuse how data is displayed with the actual data stored in memory! Of course MATLAB loaded all of those digits into its memory. Just change the format to see them displayed to a higher precision, e.g.:
>> format long
You can read the format help to find out what options you can try. Experiment with them to find one that suits your needs. If none of those options suit you, then you can use fprintf to write your own code to display those values.