MATLAB: How to set colorbar tick labels between ticks

colorbarlabel positionMATLABtick label

Hi all,
The default setup for Matlab colorbar is to set the tick label just next to the tick (below, above, right of, left of). How do I set the label between two ticks? In the following example, I want 'Decrease', 'Slight Decrease', 'Slight Increase', and 'Increase' between the ticks, while 'No Change' stays below the tick:

Best Answer

Does it matter if the ticks are moved as well?
figure('Position',[200 200 1000 200])
cc = colorbar('Location','SouthOutside');
cc.YTick = [0.125 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.875];
cc.YTickLabel = {'Decrease', 'Slight Decrease', 'No Change', 'Slight Increase', 'Increase'};
Otherwise you could remove the colorbar labels, and use 'text' with the units normalized and position new labels yourself, then they would be relative to the plot, not the colorbar which wouldn't be a perfect solution but might help you this once:
Hope this helps,