MATLAB: How to set a parameter lower bound during curve fitting

curve fitting

Hello, I want to set the lower bound for my p2 variable as 0, because a negative value is unphysical for my data set.
Here is my code:
rho=Resistivityohmcm; T=TemperatureK;
x=T; y=rho;
fnPolySq=@(p1,p2,x) p1*x.^2 + p2; %fit(x,y,fnPolySq) mask = x > 135 ; %restricts the data fit to before the upturn
f = fit(x(mask), y(mask), fnPolySq ); plot(f, T, rho)
plot(f,T,rho) disp (f)

Best Answer

Here's how you set bounds using fit()
See 'Lower'.