MATLAB: How to separate file name and put the number at the end to count files

count files

I want to write a script for counting files. For example, my file name is "transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00.tif". I want to do 2 things. Firstly, I want to separate this name into base_name,transport 052412, and,varied_name,#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00. Then, I want to put the number at the of the file name to count such as 001, 002, and so on.
From this objective, I used fileparts [pathstr,name,ext,versn] = fileparts('filename') to separate the name of the file but it didn't work. So could you give me some advice for this.
Thanks, Nopparat

Best Answer

Try this:
s = 'transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00.tif'
[folder baseFileName extension] = fileparts(s)
underlineLocations = find(baseFileName == '_')
part1 = baseFileName(1:underlineLocations(1)-1)
part2 = baseFileName(underlineLocations(1)+1:end)
but the sentence " Then, I want to put the number at the of the file name to count such as 001, 002, and so on." does not make sense. Do you want an output like 'transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00_001.tif'? You'd need to give one or two examples of an output filename so we know how to build it up from rearranging the various parts.
Maybe you mean this:
s = 'transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00.tif'
[folder baseFileName extension] = fileparts(s)
underlineLocations = find(baseFileName == '_')
part1 = baseFileName(1:underlineLocations(1)-1)
part2 = baseFileName(underlineLocations(1)+1:end-2)
for k = 1 : 5
s = sprintf('%s_%s%2.2d.tif', part1, part2, k)
which gives this:
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00.tif
folder =
baseFileName =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch00
extension =
underlineLocations =
17 27 32
part1 =
transport 052412
part2 =
#1 3D gfp_z000_ch
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch01.tif
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch02.tif
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch03.tif
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch04.tif
s =
transport 052412_#1 3D gfp_z000_ch05.tif