MATLAB: How to send varibles from M file to GUI edit text and can be shown multi-line

.mdata transmission; gui

I have a GUI named g1,g1 consists of a edit text and a pushbutton;
In the pushbutton_callback(),it invokes function M1(a1,a2);
When invokes M1(a1,a2),some strings,such 'Step1 finished','Step2 finished' and so on,are produced.
I hope these strings can be shown in the Edit Text in turn,such as
Step1 finished
Step2 finished
Step3 finished
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

I think the max property of an edit text box has to be 2 to get multiline text. Then you need to pass handles to M1, in addition to a1 and a2. Then in M1 you do this
info = sprintf('Step 1 finished.\nStep 2 finished.\nStep 3 finished.');
set(handles,editText1, 'String', info);
You can do that to a static text without changing the max property.