MATLAB: How to send data between two computers using the TCPIP function from the Instrument Control Toolbox

communicationictinstrInstrument Control Toolboxlinkpcstcptcp/ip

I am using the Instrument Control Toolbox, and I would like to communicate between two computers using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCPIP). I would like to know how I can do this.

Best Answer

The ability to communicate between two computers having only MATLAB and the Instrument Control Toolbox installed is not possible.This is due to the nature of the TCPIP protocol.
The TCPIP protocol is one of a strict client/server relationship. In order to use the TCPIP function of the Instrument Control Toolbox, one of the computers must be running some sort of a server application (e.g., a web server or FTP server) that the Instrument Control Toolbox can connect to and act as a client.
For an example of this, refer to the "Communicating with a Remote Host" example in the Instrument Control Toolbox documentation.
If you do not have a server application available, you can communicate between two computers using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). For more information, click below on the link to related solution 1-OUCYT or see the "Communicating Between Two Hosts" example in the Instrument Control Toolbox documentation.