MATLAB: How to send a signal to usb

fingerprint recognisationimage processingusb

I have a output (i.e)traini8ng and testing the finger print images,if finger print matches i want to send that output to usb where i will connect ad device hardware,ai have completed till matching of fingerprint,and got an output,"fingerprint matching",now i want to send this to usb port,caan anyone guide me please

Best Answer

I use USB devices from Measurement Computing They have code that integrates in with the MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox . You can send or read to this device from the USB port. The device has pins that can set or read voltages to do various things with other specialized custom devices that you hook up to them, such as red or green LEDs that might indicate fingerprint "match" or "no match." You can also read toggle or pushbutton switches, turn on or off motors, digitize analog signals, or whatever you want.
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