MATLAB: How to selectively extract information from a matrix/MAT file in MATLAB 8.1 (R2013a)


I would like to selectively extract text strings present in different rows, from a variable inside MAT file(saved to workspace from UI(GUI/App)) and corresponding to these text strings I want to fetch different column contents for the same row. This is in regard of the fact that I need to extract particular string, whose position keep changing from file to file.

Best Answer

In order to selectively extract text strings present in different rows and access different column contents corresponding to these rows. In order to do so you can try with the sample script shown below:
var1=struct('x',{'team','qualification','engineering','management','leader'},'y',{'1','2','3','4','5'}) % create a '1 by 5' structure which has 2 variables x and y.
save('var1Mat.mat','var1') % save the above structure as MAT file

var2=struct('x',{'qualification','team','leader','engineering','management'},'y',{'6','7','8','9','10'}) % create another '1 by 5' structure which has 2 variables x and y.
save('var2Mat.mat','var2') % save the above structure as MAT file
temp = fieldnames(ReVar1); % In order to access variable inside structure

ReVar1 = ReVar1.(temp{1});
tempvar1={ReVar1(1:end).x} %obtain the 1st variable x for all the indices from var1 MAT file.
pos1=strcmp(tempvar1(1,:),'team')% compare this with the string and get the position for all matching instances.

ReVar1(pos1).y % display corresponding position variable y from the same MAT file
temp = fieldnames(ReVar2); % In order to access variable inside structure
ReVar2 = ReVar2.(temp{1});
tempvar2={ReVar2(1:end).x} % obtain the 1st variable x for all the indices from var2 MAT file.
pos2=strcmp(tempvar2(1,:),'team')% compare this with the string and get the position for all matching instances.
ReVar2(pos2).y %display corresponding position variable y from the same MAT file
Upon executing this script you can observe it fetches the value of y for different positions of string 'team'.