MATLAB: How to select which blocks parameters description appear on the system design description report

block parametersreport generatorsimulinksystem design description

Hi, I am trying to generate a report with only some blocks parameter description. I click on customize content, inside the report explorer. The problem is that inside the subsystem chapter there is a section 2 – Blocks which selects all the blocks inside each subsystem and prints you on the report. What I want is to select what blocks appear inside each subsystem on my report. I am not interested on all blocks but only in some blocks (maybe the most important). I attach an image of the Section 2 -Blocks. Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance 🙂

Best Answer

  1. Write a function, say myFilterFcn, to that it returns true for the blocks you want to report on.
  2. In your custom SDD report tempate, navigate to "Section 2 - Blocks" -> "Section 3 - Parameters" -> "Block Loop" -> If (StdRpt.SDD..."
  3. Update this IF condition expression string to include your function
StdRpt.SDD.includeBlock(RptgenSL.getReportedBlock()) && myFilterFcn(RptgenSL.getReportedBlock())