MATLAB: How to select Visual Studio C compiler using mbuild -setup and mex -setup

compilerMATLAB Compilermexstudiovisual

I have installed the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015/2017 Professional, and I would like to select it as a compiler in MATLAB using mbuild -setup or mex -setup.
However, it doesn't show in the compiler list when I run "mbuild -setup" and "mex -setup".

Best Answer

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015/2017 Professional does not install any C/C++ compiler by default. You need to select appropriate components specifically in the installation setting.
If you have already selected the C/C++ compilers during installation properly, confirm C program building is successful on Visual Studio.
If some trouble remains after that, please run the following commands and send us the full output message which this produces.
mex -setup -v
mbuild -setup -v
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