MATLAB: How to select numbers in a cell array

cell array

I have a call array called newCell that is 1×6 and each cell is 5×1 as seen in the picture below. I want to say that for each cell, if the number in the first row is greater than the number in the second row, then my new array, T1 is equal to 1. If that is not true, then it is equal to 0. For example, from the picture, the first row in the first cell is 49 and the second row in the first cell is 33 so the first value in T1 should be 1.
The code I have right now is seen below (where i=[1:6]).
if newCell{i}(1,i)>newCell{i}(2,i)

Best Answer

Let C be your 1*6 cell where each cell has 5*1 elements
M = cell2mat(C) ;
iwant = M(1,:) > M(2,:)