MATLAB: How to select max columns values based on certain column values

differential equationsMATLABmeanstatisticstableuitable

Dear Experiences …
i have table look like the following..
Obs-name var1 var2 var3 ...... varn seg_id
ob1 0.12 0.14 0.17 1.2 1
ob2 1.2 0.2 0.14 0.0 1
ob3 1.5 0.3 1.5 7.2 2
ob4 2.4 4.5 2.2 0.0 3
i'm doing the following procedures:
1- i eliminate the first var content .. (obs name), using the following
T = readtable('data.xls');
2- calculate averages of all vars values based on segment_ID
– now the tavg table includes all the average values for all vars based on Seg_ID.
Now i need to select the top var values (K) for every Seg_ID (K, where k=5).. then write table includes the Seg_ID , GroupCount , top K vars names look like the following table :
seg_id(1) Group count (3) var1 name var4 name var100 name
seg_id(2) group count (5) var2 name var3 name var15 name
seg_id(3) Group count (10)var1 name var12 name varn name
attached file include a portion of my data table.
i will thanks any one can give a solution for this issue .. thanks

Best Answer

Not really clear on your question. If you're wanting to calculate the mean of the variables, grouped by seg_ID, then:
varfun(@mean, T, 'InputVariables', 2:width(T)-1, 'GroupingVariables', 'seg_ID')
I'm not sure what you want to do after that
edit: maybe you're looking for this function
function varargout = filterrows(rowvalues, varnames)
%function to be used with rowfun, returns the 5 highest column means of the rows together with their names, interlaced.
%requires 'SeparateInputs', false in the rowfun options.
rowmeans = mean(rowvalues, 1);
[~, order] = sort(rowmeans, 'descend');
varargout = [num2cell(rowmeans(order(1:5))); num2cell(varnames(order(1:5)))]; %will be reshaped into a row vector by rowfun
which you can use with rowfun:
rowfun(@(rowvalues) filterrows(rowvalues, T.Properties.VariableNames(2:end-1)), ...
T, ...
'InputVariables', 2:width(T)-1, ...
'GroupingVariables', 'seg_ID', ...
'SeparateInputs', false, ...
'NumOutputs', 10)
Not sure it's a good idea, though.