MATLAB: How to select an element from each row in a matrix given a vector of column indeces per row (no for loops)


Hello, I saw posts to similar questions, but I still couldn't figure out how to do what I want to do. I have a matrix and a vector of values. This vector contains the column indeces to the element I want to extract from each row. for ex:
A=[1 2 3; 3 5 6; 7 8 9];
b = [2 ;1; 1];
I tried x=A(:,b), but this returns
x =
2 1 1
5 3 3
8 7 7
But what I was hoping to get was
x= [2;3;7].
I could do it with a for loop, but is there a different/direct way of doing this?
Thank you, Jorge

Best Answer

If you want one value from each row, then you could use sub2ind, like this:
This is useful if you have vectors of subscripts (i.e. rows and columns) and you want to extract the corresponding values from a matrix. In this case you want one value per row, so the 2nd argument is just [1 2 3].