MATLAB: How to segregate folders level wise and list the files folderwise

file listfoldershierarchyMATLABsubfolders

In Matlab 2016 onwards, commands like dir(**/*.extension) is available. However, it lists all the file list with its Path. The task afterward is critical. 1. Obtain Subfolders 2. Obtain Files and Subsubfolders with their level. 3. Extract the directory name and file name in cell array.
Are there modified ways or shortcut commands to obtain this info.

Best Answer

There is a .isdir property on the returned files that you can check. In addition there is a function called isfolder() that you can also use. Try this:
files = dir('**/*.*')
areFolders = [files.isdir]
folders = files(areFolders)
dotOrDotDot = strcmp('.', {}) | strcmp('..', {})
folders = folders(~dotOrDotDot)
folderNames = {}