MATLAB: How to search through a matrix.

arrayMATLABmatrixmatrix array

Hello, I have two matrices. One is a 388 x 4 called data and the other is a 31 x 3 called num. Both matrices have column 1 being Latitude values, column two being Longitude values and column 3 being Rainfall values. I need to search through column 1 & 2 of the data matrix to find the Lat & Lon values corresponding to those in the num matrix, then take the value in the 3rd column(Rainfall) of the data matrix that aligns with the Lat/Lon coordinates and stick it into a new array that is 31 x 1 (to match with the size of the rainfall column in the num matrix).

Best Answer

Only 31 look-ups? For things like that, for-loops are fine:
for i=1:31
j=find( data(:,1)==num(i,1) & data(2,:)==num(i,2) );
if ~isempty(j)