MATLAB: How to search for library links in the model from the command line in Simulink 7.4 (R2009b)


In Model Explorer I have an option to search for library links in my model. I would like to know how I can achieve the same using the command line tools.

Best Answer

In order to obtain a list of blocks that are library links you will have to find all blocks in your model that have their 'LinkStatus' property not set to 'none'. One way to achieve this would be to use the FIND_SYSTEM command with a regular expression that excludes all results that are equal to 'none':
libraryLinks = find_system(gcs, 'regexp', 'on', 'linkstatus', '^((?!none).)*$')
You may want to use the 'LookUnderMasks' option of FIND_SYSTEM as well to find the blocks under masks as well.
Alternatively you could use several FIND_SYSTEM calls to find all blocks with another status and combine the results.