MATLAB: How to save voltage data as a array in Matlab, using a Arduino MEGA 2560 board

arduino mega 2560MATLABsaving data as array

Hello everyone
I appreciate if you can help me with this issue.
I'm working with Arduino MEGA 2560 and I'm using the followings commands:
clear all
a = arduino;
data = readVoltage(a,'A9');
So far, there is no problem (I'm using the analogic input A9). But I need some help with, How can I get an array with the measurement of the reading voltage in Matlab, without using Simulink and Arduino software, only Matlab?
I'm using a battery of 1.7 volts approx. as an example, next I need to apply this commands to a motor servo DC (Analogic Control System ACS-1000 from K and H fabricants.
I'm looking forward for your comments and help.
Thanks very much in advance.

Best Answer

Let's say you know how long of a vector you need, then use indexing.
Example -
for i = 1:100
data(i) = readVoltage(a,'A9');
Note the pause just pauses MATLAB and you might notice that the whole thing takes more than 10 seconds.
If you want to collect data till you press a pushbutton on the Arduino.
buttonPressed = false;
data = readVoltage(a,'A9');
while ~buttonPressed
data(end+1) = readVoltage(a,'A9');
buttonPressed = readDigitalPin(a,'D13'); % Here it is assumed that you have a push button connected to Pin 13.
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