MATLAB: How to save variables from within an app created in App Designer to use the variable from other function or script


How to save variables from within an app created in App Designer to use the variable from other function or script? I want to save these variables when I close the app.

Best Answer

There are three approaches that you can utilize for using data from an app created using App Designer in a different function or script. All these methods are based on saving the data from the app to the MATLAB Workspace, which the other function or script can access.
1. Using "assignin" to assign the value of the desired variable in the workspace. You can refer to the following documentation link for an example:
2. Using "export2wsdlg" to export variables to workspace :
3. Finally, you can also save the desired variables in a MAT file using the "save" command and then load the variables in the other function or script using the "load" command:
You can use any of the above approaches inside of the "CloseRequestFcn" such that when the app is closed the variables will be saved as the "CloseRequestFcn" is executed. Here is an example of using the "CloseRequestFcn" for a figure :