MATLAB: How to save variable with different name inside loop

antipatternbuggydynamic variable namesevalevilsaving variable inside for loop with auto namingslowugly

I have variable with name x with varying size of some 10000*2. 2 columns are fix, row value changing. I am getting that variable inside the for loop.
How should I autosave variable inside loop ? Autonaming for every loop condition will be useful.
Please reply. I want to use variable and call it in some other code.

Best Answer

Dynamically naming variables is not recommended. It is slow and buggy. Check the following link:
A better approach would be saving them in a structure by using a for loop. For instance:
for k = 1:10
A.(sprintf('RandomVariable_%d', k)) = rand;
The above code will automatically name the fields of struct. Your variables will be stored in a struct, which will be nice. Hope this helps.
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