MATLAB: How to save the profiler results and later on reload the data in the profiler GUI in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


I am working with the MATLAB profiler and want to find a way to save a profiling result struct obtained by profile('info'), load this struct in a later MATLAB session, and start the profiler GUI based on the reloaded data.
I know that the struct can be exported with profsave, but this is slow if a large number of functions are in the profile, and using the created html files in a browser does not provide the same amount of functionality (e.g. sorting by column) than viewing the results in the profiler GUI.

Best Answer

As an alternative to PROFSAVE you can save the profile data as a MAT-File, load the data in a later MATLAB session and open the profiler GUI passing the reloaded data using the PROFVIEW command:
p = profile('info');
save myprofiledata p
clear p
load myprofiledata
Refer to the PROFILE documentation for further details: