MATLAB: How to save the output of the program to a uigetdir directory (directory changes based on input)

save functionvarying save location

I am trying to add some code to the end of a small program which can automatically save the output of my program to the same folder that I select to get the program's input (tempDir in the code). The code is short for this program, so perhaps just pasting the program here will be the best way to explain. As you can see, I am trying to save my output (consisting of one variable called 'data' and a structure called 'ans') to the same folder as 'tempDir'. Note: tempDir changes for each file that needs to be run.
tempDir = uigetdir(['/Volumes/WININSTALL/DBS_Patients/3k814/STN Right/Pass 1/C/'],'Select Data Folder');
tempData = uigetfile(['/Volumes/WININSTALL/DBS_Patients/3k814/STN Right/Pass 1/C/*.apm'],'Select Data');
APMReadData([tempDir '/' tempData])
filename = '';
data = ans.channels.continuous(:,1)';

Best Answer

APMReadData(fullfile(tempDir, tempData))
save(fullfile(tempDir, filename),'data')