MATLAB: How to save the mpiprofile report

mpirpofileparallel computingparforprofiler

how do you save the report for parallel profiler? profsave does not give the complete details as a mpiprofile viewer. Is there any other way to save report?

Best Answer

One way I figured to do something similar is the following.
I am assuming you are using "pmode" because as far as my understanding goes, you need to run on "pmode" to run mpiprofile.
So this is how it goes.
  • Saving
1. Save the mpiprofile info inside each worker(or it is often called lab from my understanding).
mpiprofile mpistruct;
2. Then you transfer to the client using the following command
pmode lab2client mpistruct;
3. Then save the mpistruct into a .mat file
  • Loading
When you are trying to view the mpiprofile result:
1. Load the mpi file
2. Run mpiprofile viewer
mpiprofile('viewer', mpistruct);
This should pop up the browser.
Note. Above code was tested with 2015b.