MATLAB: How to save the images from the camera calibration app after the app plot the circles on the edges

camera-calibrationimage analysisimagessave

I am using camera calibration app for calibration and I want to save all the images from the app after app detect the edges. Does anyone know how to do it?
I am attaching one of the image. Quick reply will be appreciated!

Best Answer

Currently you cannot save the images with detected edges in the Camera Calibrator App.
As a workaround, you can use detectCheckerboardPoints function to detect checkerboard pattern in image and use the saveas function to save the image with marked edges.
You can refer to the following demo code:
%% Read inbuilt checkerboard image
imageFileName = "image3.tif";
imageFilePath = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','vision',...
I = imread(imageFilePath);
%% Detect calibration pattern in the images.
[imagePoints,boardSize,imagesUsed] = detectCheckerboardPoints(I);
%% Display the image
fig = figure;
hold on;
%% Display (superimpose) the detected points
%% Save the edge marked image to a file
You can process all of the calibration images in a similar manner.