MATLAB: How to save the data of an opened file by uigetfile in the workspace


hello all,
i want to create a window that would be opened by a pushbutton, to open a file (a txt file) and then to load it to the workspace of matlab, i tried this code, it worked correctly but in the end i found nothing in the workspace, it doesn't save the data
filename = uigetfile('*.txt*', 'All Files (*.txt*)');
filename = uiimport(filename);
thank you.

Best Answer

imene - rather than re-using the same variable name for the data that is being imported, try
filename = uigetfile('*.txt*', 'All Files (*.txt*)');
data = uiimport(filename);
Now data is a struct that has the data that you have imported..which is in the workspace of your pushbutton callback. Depending upon how you have developed your GUI, you can either save this data to the handles structure (if using GUIDE) or you can save it to a local variable within your parent function that creates the GUI (assuming that you have nested your callback within that parent).