MATLAB: How to save siteviewer image from coverage function

Antenna Toolboxsave coverage image

Antenna toolbox coverage function plots propagation terrain image. How to set image size and save image in script,? If manually adjusted the size of the image, how to save the image?

Best Answer

Based on your responses, it looks like you want to save a snapshot of the Site Viewer window, similar to saving a figure window's contents. Unfortunately, Site Viewer doesn't currently have any functionality similar to "savefig" or "saveas" for figures. For now you'd have to use utilities like "print screen" to save an snapshot of the Site Viewer.
You also mentioned wanting to change the size and orientation of the Site Viewer via script. Unfortunately, the orientation currently cannot be set using a script. You can still set the size of the viewer by changing the last two values of the "Position" field of the viewer like so.
viewer = siteviewer;
width = 600; % screen pixels

height = 400; % screen pixels
viewer.Position(3:4) = [width height]