MATLAB: How to save recorded audio on computer

save audio on computer

Hello. I want to know how to save audio that I record in matlab on my computer so I can later analyzed that, but firstly want to save it. I can't find that type of function. This is my part of program and I want to put that function somewhere after I record sound.
>> Fs = 1E+4;
>> nBits = 24;
>> nChannels = 1;
>> sig = audiorecorder(Fs, nBits, nChannels);
>> recordblocking(sig,5);
>> sigsound = getaudiodata(sig);
>> t = linspace(0, size(sigsound,1), size(sigsound,1))/Fs;
>> h=tftb_window(17,'hamming');
>> [tfr,t,f]=tfrsp(sigsound,1:length(sigsound),64,h,1);
>> mesh(tfr)

Best Answer

Use the audiowrite function.
In your application, define your filename, then:
filename = ' ... ';
audiowrite(filename, sigsound, Fs)
Add other options to your audiowrite call as necessary. See the ‘Name-Value Pair Arguments’ section for details.
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