MATLAB: How to save logged signal to a MAT file without using ‘TO WORKSPACE’ block

MATLABsave mat filesignal loggingsimulink

I have a MATLAB GUI which can be used to run multiple simulations and plot results. The user selects the signals by clicking on the signal (which are selected by the GUI using Signal Logging).
Additionally, I want to save all the user selected signals into a MAT file. Is there a meathod to save the logged signals in SImulink model into a MAT file ?

Best Answer

If it is done through customized GUI, it might depend on the customized GUI.
If it is done through right click the signal line, select "Signal Properties ....", check "Log signal data" and specify a name.
In the model menu "Simulation", "Configuration Parameters ...", "Data Import/Export", check "Signal logging". By default, the signal logging is saved in the variable logsout in the MATLAB workspace. You can then save logsout to a .mat file.
logsout is an object. Use logsout.unpack('all') to unpack the signal logging.