MATLAB: How to save in a sequence of files each output of a “for” loop

sequence loop output

A have a number of txt files with data, and names like ABR1998, ABR1999 etc. I am running a script that includes a "for" loop to manupulate these files and I want each time the output is saved in txt files with the same (or similar name) e.g. ABRa1998,ABRa1999 etc. The output of each loop is the "A" (see below) which is a matrix with several columns and rows of data. Could you please tell me how to do this? Thanks-K.
matfiles=dir(fullfile('N:','My Documents','MATLAB','runfilesABR', '*.txt'));
for n=1998:2005
filename = ['ABR', int2str(n), '.txt'];
[d,c] = find(isnan(A));
A(d,:) = [];

Best Answer

In the function forms of save and load, all arguments have to be strings:
filename = ['ABRa', int2str(n), '.txt'];
save(filename, 'A', '-ascii');