MATLAB: How to save function outputs as a vector to workspace.

MATLABsave output to workspacesimulink

function [A B] = coconuts( a, b, c)
the function will run many times, each time outputting a unique A & B. How can I save each A & B output into a corresponding (N,1) vector that is available in the workspace?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Your question is worded in an ambiguous way, I am not sure I understand your exact question. I will speculate a bit and hope one of them answer your question.
1) Your A and B are scalars:
for i=1:N
[A B] = coconuts( a, b, c);
ResultsA(i)= A;
ResultsB(i)= B;
2) Your A and B are vectors:
ResultsA=zeros(length(A),N); %Lenght A has to be input manually since you havent computed A.
ResultsB=zeros(length(B),N); %Same
for i=1:N
[A B] = coconuts( a, b, c);
ResultsA(:,i)= A;
ResultsB(:,i)= B;
3) Your A and B are matrices:
for i=1:N
[A B] = coconuts( a, b, c);
ResultsA{i}= A;
ResultsB{i}= B;
Give more details if none of these helps.